Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy Friday!

Read chapter 6 of The Giver
Using a platform of your choice, compare and contrast the Celebration of Loss with Celebration of Release

Watch Four Sisters in Ancient Rome on TED-Ed
After the video create a presentation on Explain Everything. Use the following rubric:

Here is what you need to do:

Watch Four Sisters in Ancient Rome

Watch the clip with the following in your mind:

What roles did women have?
Why don’t we know more about what women did during the day?
Compare and contrast women in Rome and Greece
How were women treated differently than men?
How do women bring success to their families?
Why is it so important to know how women lived in Ancient Rome?
What was significant about the names of males in Ancient Rome, and why were the names of females sometimes confusing?

After you watch the clip, create an Explain Everything presentation about the video. You should answer each question on its own slide.

MAKE SURE TO SAVE YOUR PRESENTATION each time you finish a slide!

Record yourself explaining each question on a new slide: ex. slide 1=question a
you should have a total of 7 slides
Use the text box, pen, other pictures, shapes, or anything else in Explain Everything to make your video a good one.

*MAKE SURE TO SAVE YOUR PRESENTATION!* Give it this title: Life as a Woman in Ancient Rome

Happy recording!

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